That's it! I have decided it is time to hear from the family dog. I actually have a pretty interesting life in the Sikma Pack. My hope is that while they are away from the computer, I will get some time to post my thoughts on this new blog. Bear with me while I learn to type without opposable thumbs and a lot of extra fur.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Here it is! If you look carefully you can see me in my new seat.
I knew you were getting this car for WEEKS now. :) Neener.
Jack: Nice ride.... Hear its got 6 gears, just like my Dad's "Z". Strap in and hang on tight when your Mom's driving those sharp turns can toss you for a loop. Have a blast.... Your bro, Brew (short for Brewster)
I knew you were getting this car for WEEKS now. :) Neener.
Sweet ride, cuz.
Nice ride.... Hear its got 6 gears,
just like my Dad's "Z". Strap in and hang on tight when your Mom's driving
those sharp turns can toss you for a loop.
Have a blast....
Your bro, Brew (short for Brewster)
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